Training and Evaluation
Virginia Industries for the Blind (VIB) provides training and other vocational rehabilitation services. This program is designed to provide a variety of services to customers of the Virginia Department for the Blind and Vision Impaired (DBVI) as well as VIB employees. These services include:

Vocational Evaluation
Assessing an individual's skills and abilities to determine a vocational goal or develop a training plan.

Work Adjustment
Training to address work habits and other potential obstacles to job placement and job retention.

On the Job Training
Training in a specific job or multiple jobs within VIB to prepare individuals for employment at VIB or in the community.

Skill Enhancement and Cross-training
Training to assist employees in improving skills in their current jobs or learning new skills in order to facilitate opportunities for upward mobility or community employment.

Placement Counseling
Working with individuals to assess interests, skills and abilities to assist with job placement outside VIB.

Summer Work Program
Providing summer job opportunities for high school students who are blind or vision impaired.
Learn More
Visit the Department of the Blind and Vision Impaired’s website to discover more ways VIB and DBVI serve and assist the visually impaired community in the Commonwealth of Virginia.